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The full moon in Aquarius on 19th August will take place at 7.25 UK time at 27º14’. This is a very dynamic full moon on account of two tight T-squares happening at the time. As if the fact that the full moon will be almost exactly (within 4 minutes) squaring Uranus, the planet of shocks and surprises, wasn’t enough, we’re having another tight T-square at this time involving Saturn and Mars and those two together don’t boast a good reputation.


If you happen to have a Mars-Saturn combination in your natal chart and are now thinking: “Oh, no I’m doomed!”, well… so do I and, look, how lovely I turned out to be.;-) There are ways to relieve challenging aspects of or to the malefics in your natal chart to make them work with you rather than against you. But back to the full moon!


You have heard me talk about squares in the past. A square is a dynamic aspect between two or more planets where planets are at a 90º angle from one another, which means they have the same modalities but are in incompatible elements. It's an aspect of tension where we are forced to take some action that is borne out of frustration. If you have such an aspect natally, you will find that in some areas of your life things are always getting in the way (the area and nature of those things depends on the house and sign placement of the planets, as well as what planets are involved). If a slow-moving planet is squaring a personal planet of yours by transit, you will be faced with a period of your life when for no reason things are not working out or your mental health is suffering as a result (again, the nature of that challenging period will be determined by the characteristics and placement of the transiting planet and the personal planet being aspected). In mundane astrology, a square usually denotes some challenging events that the world, a country or political leaders or monarchs have to grapple with.

A T-square is one of the most important, as well as challenging, configurations in astrology and if you have one in your natal chart, you feel it (there is an entire book about it! And it's a very good one). A T-square involves at least three planets. Two planets are opposite each other so they form a 180º angle and they are squared by a third planet at 90º. The third planet is the apex of a T-square and the focal point. It receives not one square but two so it's pulled in two different directions by the opposition. The focal planet attempts to deal with it to regain balance but the only way to do it is to release the energy. It can bottle it up and explode internally, which might be self-destructive, or externally which might be destructive to their environment. Hence, a T-square is a call to action in your life. The presence of a T-square in somebody's natal chart, doesn't mean they won't succeed in life. Quite the opposite - a lot of successful people have hard aspects in their natal charts. The challenge for those people is to learn how to use that energy constructively and that's something we talk about during an astrology consultation. When talking about transits, which is what this post is about, there isn't enough time to learn how to use those energies constructively because they are temporary so we are faced with their raw expression.



The first T-square is between the Moon in Aquarius and Sun in Leo with Uranus in Taurus at the apex of it. Full moons are culminations of sorts. If you started something at the time of the new moon in Aquarius in February 2024 or January 2023, you might see the fruits of your endeavours or you might realise that there is no point so it’s time to move on to something else. A tense aspect to Uranus suggests that you might be taken by surprise or it’s something that you didn’t see coming. Because it’s a dynamic aspect, it will require some action or a need for adjustment on your part which, considering that it’s a fixed T-square, might not be easy.


Aquarius rules groups of people. Taurus rules financial systems, money and food. Uranus is disruptive, rebellious energy. During this full moon we could learn about sudden events or an escalation concerning political parties or groups of people sharing a philosophy or profession. There could also be news about volatility in the financial markets or disruption to aviation, natural resources, farming or food production. Humanitarian issues or the welfare of a collective may also be emphasised. Since Uranus is involved, we might hear of some natural disasters but let's not forget that Uranus in unpredictable energy so it could materialise in many different ways. The only guarantee we have with Uranus is that it will be something sudden or unexpected. Let's also bear in mind that Uranus is still conjunct the fixed star Algol, one of whose archetypal meanings is decapitation, so another assassination or a leading figure falling from grace is still a possibility.


The proximity of Mercury to the Sun (they are 1 degree apart) suggests that (mis)communication might be a contributing factor here. Mercury will also be squaring Uranus so a sudden exchange that you didn’t expect could wreak havoc in your life or you may learn that someone you've known for a long time has completely different views to you. It’s worth mentioning that Mercury is currently in retrograde motion so it’s a fertile ground for all sorts of misunderstandings and communication glitches. Go back to 19th-20th July because Mercury was also squaring Uranus at that time and see what happened. Whatever happened at that time might need to be revised or if it wasn’t done properly, it might hit back at you. Uranus rules technology and Mercury rules communication. As you remember, the 19th July was the day of the CrowdStrike incident so we might expect similar issues. We’ve recently heard about a US judge ruling that Google’s monopoly on search is illegal. Elon Musk who owns Twitter has been vocal about the far-right riots in the UK and the US elections which might lead to some developments or new regulations for social media. Mercury rules social media, among others, and, because of its retrograde, it will be making three squares to Uranus in total. The final square will take place on 7th September so the story will continue. The presence of Mars (courage, war, passion) in Gemini (news, sharing information, communication) since 21st July where Jupiter (belief systems, expansion, foreign cultures) is currently transiting has emboldened some people to broadcast their views more loudly than they normally do.


The general Mercury retro advice is to avoid making serious decisions, making travel plans or signing contracts or if you have to do it, because, well, life goes on, you should take care and double-check everything. However, in this case, I would suggest that you be even more cautious than that. Of course, if we have another outage, the only thing you can do in advance is back up your important data. Astrology helps you plan ahead. As always, forewarned is forearmed.


And that’s only half of the story.



The second T-square is happening between Saturn in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo and the aforementioned Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini at the apex. I have already written about the significance of the Jupiter-Saturn square and their synodic cycle. Jupiter is growth and expansion and Saturn provides structure. Apart from the issues you dealt with in the second half of 2020, during the second half of 2024, you will be forced to impose some limits, especially on the area where Jupiter is currently transiting in your chart (for example, if Saturn transiting your house of earned income is squaring Jupiter in the house of fun, children and creative expression, you might realise that you have too many expenses to do with your kids or you're spending too much on socialising or your hobbies). Since it’s a mutable T-square, it’s slightly easier to adjust than in the case of a fixed one. When Saturn and Jupiter square one another in 2025, Saturn will be in its fall in Aries and Jupiter will be exalted in Cancer. That means that when the third hit takes place, the limitations you imposed will be easier to manage and you might realise it was a good idea to put them in place. It will also be a cardinal square so if there are still some limitations you need to impose, it will be easier to take action. Saturn's opposition to Venus may awaken feelings of not being worthy of love, a better salary or whatever else you strive towards but that influence is temporary. Mars in conjunction with Jupiter in August gives you the drive, energy and courage to do whatever you have to do at this time. Remember that the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is an ongoing aspect so it will keep affecting you until 2025 although it will be stronger around the times of exactitude so 19th August 2024, 24th December 2024 and 15th June 2025.


On a mundane level, the T-square between Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mars could potentially mean defaming female figures or undermining women in general.  Since it’s happening on the Virgo-Pisces axis, I think that we could expect some problems in the healthcare, pharmaceutical or service and care sectors. Saturn is squaring Jupiter and Mars in Gemini so I also think that it could potentially mean some restrictions on social media or some form of censorship.


Coincidentally, 19th August is the first day of the Democratic Convention. Astrologers are forecasting some unexpected events and whatever happens in the US has a ripple effect on the whole, or at least a big chunk of, the world. The full moon is tightly conjunct the USA's natal Moon. In mundane astrology, the Moon signifies the people. Since Uranus will be squaring it, it wouldn't be a surprise to me if we heard some news coming from the US that the American people weren't expecting. The full moon is activating several placements in Donald Trump’s natal chart: the Sun will be on his ascendent and Mars, the Moon on his Descendent, Uranus is currently conjunct his MC and Jupiter and Mars are not far away from his Sun and opposite his Moon. Kamala Harris’s chart also gets activated but to a lesser degree.



The Jupiter-Mars conjunction will be the prelude to this full moon and it will be exact on 14th August so be careful around that time because you might feel compelled to do something rash that could lead to an accident. It's better to exploit this aspect constructively. 13th-14th August is a great time to do something that you've been meaning to do but haven't quite got round to. It's also a good aspect for studying or vigorous exercise. As we're moving towards the second half of the week, the square between Mars and Saturn becomes exact and it might feel like driving with the brake on.

The second ten days of August are expected to be very dynamic with a lot of escalation concerning the issues currently in the news. On an individual level, it’s best to fasten your seatbelt and back up your data. With Uranus so tightly squaring this full moon, emotions can be eruptive. With Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini, you may feel bold to act or express your opinions but it's best to pick your battles wisely with this aspect, especially that Mercury, the planet of communication, is in retrograde motion this month. The influence of this full moon will hold until roughly the end of the month so it's best to avoid making any life-changing decisions until then.

The Jupiter-Saturn square is an ongoing influence but it will affect you only if it's touching a personal planet or angle in your chart and its intensity will fluctuate as they move apart and towards one another over the next 10 months. It is inviting you to be flexible within a structure or set boundaries. Saturn isn't trying to take something away from you. It wants you to build something solid that will withstand the test of time so treat those challenges as a reality check and an opportunity for revision and adjustment. As usual with Saturn aspects, if you put in the work, you will see the results even if the process of getting there isn't fun.



The people most affected by this full moon will be those who have personal planets or angles at around 27º of fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) or those born on 15-17th February, 16th-18th May, 19th-21st August and 18th-20th November. Those of you affected by the T-square between Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mars will be the ones with personal planets or angles at around 17º of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius) or those born on 6th-8th March, 6th-8th June, 8th-10th September and 7th-9th December.

Here's the breakdown for all 12 signs (preferably, read your ascendent sign as that will be the most accurate). Remember that this is a very general forecast and in order to tell how it will affect you specifically, I'd have to know where in your chart the transiting planets currently are, what they rule in your chart and which of your planets or angles they are aspecting. For example, for me, this full moon is exactly trining my Venus which is extremely rare and the planets involved are making quite a few tight aspects to my other placements so, for me, it's a big one and I can already see things developing in my life.

If you want to know how this full moon affects you on a more personal level and receive a forecast tailored specifically to you, book a consultation.


The full moon is happening in your sector of friendships, groups you belong to and long-term objectives but you may experience some unexpected events concerning your earned income or your values. You might realise that you don’t share the same values as the group or association you’re part of or your finances might temporarily prevent you from pursuing your long-term objective. You might feel the urge to communicate your ideas, learn new things or engage with your community but something or someone (or even yourself) might be getting in the way. A feeling of isolation might also creep in. This particular influence will linger for a while but it won’t last forever.



The full moon highlights your career or public image. Since 2018 you might have had a feeling that you wanted to change your life and this might be the moment when you feel your career needs a make-over. In terms of your earned income, it might have been a good time but your long-term goals have been put on a back burner and it might feel frustrating. Alternatively, your professional commitments have been getting in the way of your responsibilities towards your social circle and are preventing you from having fun. The changes might not be pleasant but they might be just what you need.



This full moon might be the focus of expansion and broadening your horizons. You might have an opportunity to travel or study and with Mars and Jupiter in your sign you have a lot of energy, both physical and mental. There may, however, be some resistance to your plans from your family or employer, or you may feel that they are getting in the way of your development. A person in position of authority might want to put some limits on you. All those factors might suddenly awaken your inner imposter but rest assured that that particular influence should dissipate by the end of the month and with Mars and Jupiter in your sign, you should have enough energy and courage to persevere, adapt and move forward.



This full moon is happening in your sector of shared resources, debt, loans and deep emotional connections. A sudden development to do with your long-term objectives may require you to make some financial decisions or take out a loan and it may not be something you have planned for. This is a very emotional time. Something may happen in your social circle that triggers a change in you and with Saturn in your 9th house you may have felt as though your growth has been thwarted since 2023. Despite all that Jupiter and Mars transiting behind may give you just enough encouragement to deal with those issues. If there is something you’re working on in the background that hasn’t been progressing fast enough, keep going. When Jupiter enters your sign in June 2025, it will be your time to shine.



This full moon highlights your significant relationships, business or personal ones. There can be a sudden development in the area of your career or public image that affects them or pushes you to reassess them. Your long-term plans might be hitting some obstacles at the moment due to a lack of funding. You might have the drive and energy to push forward but financial or emotional issues might be getting in the way. You might have to come up with creative solutions to work around the limits being imposed on you. It should be easier to come up with something when Mercury stations direct in your sign at the end of the month.



Your work, health or daily routine may be suddenly disrupted at the time of this full moon which may propel you to learn something new to help you manage those areas. You might be encouraged to see how technology could improve your productivity or health regimen. Alternatively, the disruption could be caused by a sudden travel opportunity. You should now have a lot of drive and energy to work on your career but your responsibilities towards others might be getting in the way. Try to negotiate and work around them as the next ten months are a good time to advance your career.



This full moon happens in the area of romance, creativity and children. You might suddenly meet someone who sweeps you off your feet. It could be quite passionate and disruptive but Saturn in your 6th house should remind you not to neglect any of your day-to-day responsibilities. Alternatively, you might find or come up with an unconventional idea about how to finance your passion project. If you have kids, they might also prove to be a source of trouble at this time. At the moment, your craving for travel, learning or broadening your horizons might be kept in check by the aforementioned Saturn and your daily chores or health issues but if you are prepared to be flexible, there should be good opportunities for growth in the next 10 months.



During this full moon, your home and family matters are highlighted as they might be disrupted by a situation between you and your partner or something happening in your partner’s life. It is possible that finances or issues to do with the resources you share with your partner (such as a mortgage, for example) have been killing the romance between you two or you forgot that every now and then you are allowed to have some fun or meet your friends. The next 10 months, but especially this month, offer an opportunity for a transformation in the area of shared resources and deep intimacy, so as long as you do everything in moderation, there is nothing wrong with letting your hair down every now and then.



The full moon highlights your area of communication, local environment and short-distance travel. A sudden issue at work or a minor illness could disrupt your travel plans or activities within your local community. Alternatively, you could have problems with technology, gadgets or your car. It is possible that your commitments towards your family are getting in the way of your one-on-one relationships (personal and professional) and career. This full moon is a good opportunity to think about how you could communicate your needs to your family without making them feel neglected but for the best results wait until the end of the month when Mercury stations direct.



This full moon shines a light on your earned income and expenses. You might have an opportunity to do something fun, socialise or spend quality time with your children but it might end up costing you more than you thought. There is a lot of potential to introduce a new fitness/health regimen, get a new pet or improve something in your day-to-day work over the next 10 months. It is possible that some of you might have to learn a new skill or buy a new gadget but it might be difficult to do so at the moment or you’re worried about what your neighbours might think. With Venus in your 9th house opposite Saturn, perhaps you will find answers beyond your immediate surroundings or someone else will help you come up with alternative but equally effective ideas.



This is your full moon so it’s all about your identity and how others perceive you. As it’s in your sign, it offers an opportunity to complete something in many areas of your life. You may feel the urge to break free from something or someone. You might also encounter unexpected events in your home or family. With Uranus involved, there might be sudden malfunctions of appliances or gadgets in your house. You might have been more social than normal in recent weeks and indulged in fun or creative activities but that might have caused some cashflow issues. It’s fine to have fun and you deserve it but make sure that you watch your finances. For single Aquarians, especially, Aquarius risings, it’s still a great time to date and meet someone new. If you’re in a relationship, it’s a good time to do something romantic with your partner. But if you're not into all that, focus on your passion projects as over the next 10 months you might be able to capitalise on them.



A lunation in your 12th house is a good time to reflect and recharge your batteries. A full moon in this area is a good time to release your fears or anything that doesn’t serve you. However, your peace might be disrupted by unexpected news, your siblings, neighbours or immediate environment. No rest for the wicked, at least not until you set some boundaries, Pisces. It’s a good time to expand something in your home and family – buy a bigger house, build an extension, have a baby or have someone move in with you. It is possible, however, that you and your partner (or potential co-habitee) are engaging in some tug of war. It’s important for Pisceans do to their Pisces things on their own, especially at the time of a lunation in the 12th house. It’s not advisable to make life-changing decisions at the time of this full moon and until the end of the month so harness that Saturn in your 1st house to set some boundaries.


News about groups of people sharing a philosophy or profession:

News about social media:

News about healthcare:

News about sudden unexpected events and natural disasters:


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