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new moon in Gemini

The new moon in Gemini is happening on 6th June at 16º. At first glance, it looks lovely because it’s conjunct Venus but it also squares Saturn. Imagine you are looking forward to something nice (good food, meeting friends, a nice project, a prospect of a pay rise, etc) and then suddenly something gets in the way. This new moon has disappointment, delays, anti-climax, testing and obstacles written all over it. Forewarned is forearmed but don’t beat yourself up if you try to do something and things get in the way over the next two weeks, especially if you have personal planets or angles at around 16º of Gemini or other mutable signs (Virgo, Sag and Pisces).

But it’s not all bad news. Mercury, the dispositor of the new moon, is also in Gemini and so is Jupiter so the support is there if you want to persevere. Think about it as a test or a reality check. If whatever you want to initiate falls at the first hurdle, then it should be revised or chucked altogether. It’s better to learn it sooner rather than later. The only way to still make it Venusian is to adapt. Adapting is the best course of action when the square is happening in mutable signs. If you manage to adapt, then whatever you are trying to achieve is likely to last as with most things tested by Saturn.


The new moon aside, people with personal planets at 18º-19º of the mutable signs or born on 8th and 9th of June, September, December and March may have a particularly frustrating time until the beginning of August. Saturn is stationing retrograde at those degrees. With all Saturn aspects, the older you are the better you deal with them and, technically, if you happen to have that aspect natally, you should be used to it so whatever happens it’s nothing you haven’t dealt with already.


Here’s the breakdown for all 12 ascendents. If your ascendent is at 17º or later, read the next sign. As always, this is a very general forecast and for a more accurate one, I would have to look at your natal chart.



This is a prospect of a new venture in the area of local community, siblings, short trips or communication that goes sour because of unforeseen circumstances, skeletons coming out of the closet or you not feeling up to it. Think whether you can do something about it. It might be that it's all in your head and you're self-sabotaging something exciting.



A possibility of a new beginning in the area of your income or self-worth but you might encounter some tension from the groups you belong to or your long-term plans. For example, there is a prospect of getting a pay rise or a new job but it means that you have to delay an important objective or your friends might not be accepting of your choices at this time.



This is your new moon so it’s an opportunity for a new beginning in every area of your life but there may be issues to do with your career that delay your plans or force you to make adjustments. You are a versatile creature, Gemini, so you shouldn't have too many problems with that. Think of it as a game or a riddle and see what interesting ideas you come up with.



This new moon could offer you a nice emotional reset but it might be that whatever you choose to do doesn’t align with your values so you have to find some other way. If you’re a student or a teacher, your responsibilities could get in the way. Another possibility is that you want to take time off but your boss tells you to go abroad or look after international clients.



This could present itself as a possibility of a new friendship or joining a new group or a potential new beginning in the area of your long-term objectives but there may be tension in the area of debt, taxes and deep intimacy. It might be that you have a lot of opportunities to meet new people but it costs too much money to go out as much as you would like to. Another option is that getting a loan or financing your project doesn’t pan out. Also, not a good idea to have sex with a platonic friend at this time as it could backfire.



A potential new career move that could be quite lucrative but your significant other has objections. Alternatively, it could be an opportunity that has the potential to improve the standing of your business but your business partner has reservations so you will have to be open to some negotiation.



You could be considering going back to school/uni, doing an evening course or planning a trip abroad but your daily responsibilities or health get in the way. Try to be flexible. Wait some time or adjust your plans accordingly. Alternatively, there could be some incongruence between what you are being asked to do at work and your beliefs. Librans are good mediators so you should be able to meet your work colleagues halfway.



This new moon is happening in a very Scorpionic part of your chart but it’s squared by Saturn in your area of self-expression, children and creativity. You might want to spend some time with your partner but your kids get in the way and you will have to accommodate them. Or you might want to settle a debt in one go but a prospect for doing something fun, interesting or creative comes up and that means you might have to split it into instalments. With Saturn there since last year, you might not have had much fun recently so think how you can balance your responsibilities towards others and yourself.



The new moon brings a possibility of starting something new in the area of your one-on-one relationships, personal and professional, but there is tension in the area of your family, housing situation and emotional well-being. You might want to start something new with your partner but the responsibilities towards your family get in the way. Or there might be a prospect of a new partnership but, emotionally, you might not be ready for it.



You might want to start a new daily routine or something to do with your health and lifestyle but somehow your neighbours or siblings have objections and you have to accommodate them. Alternatively, the new initiative could be hindered by your car or phone breaking down. If it’s work-related, you could experience some delays in communication from the stakeholders.



This should be a fun time for you and with Jupiter also there you should be having a lot of social engagements. However, tension in the area of your income may get in the way. In order not to miss out, try to find alternative solutions – instead of going out for dinner or to the theatre each time, go out for a drink, organise a picnic or go hiking. Or if it’s a proper night out, join your friends only for half of it. Alternatively, it could be your kids or passion projects bleeding you dry.



This new moon happens in your area of family, housing situation and emotional well-being. With Saturn in your sign, you might have had to experience certain limitations and adjust in many ways. During this new moon, you might want to start something new at home but you are probably asking yourself whether it’s the right time. If you manage to swim around any obstacles, there is no reason why it shouldn’t work out.


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