The new moon in Taurus is happening on 8th May. After the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which could have brought a flash of insight and new ideas, we are having a benevolent new moon that could help us bring all those ideas to life. Why? Well, there are several things that make this new moon very positive. First of all, the moon is in Taurus which is a sign of its exaltation. Taurus is a practical sign which likes to produce tangible results. The Moon is being sextiled, so positively aspected, by Saturn, the planet of permanence and structure which rewards hard work. We also have Venus, this new noon’s ruler, in a wide conjunction and in its home sign plus Jupiter is also still in Taurus so we’ve got both benefics in the sign of the new moon. Whatever you start now has the potential to bring positive and long-lasting results.
Additionally, since Mercury and Chiron are conjunct at the time of this new moon, it’s a good time to settle any disagreements with others.
Here is a brief forecast for all 12 signs focusing mainly on the Moon and Saturn placements during this new moon. I don’t go into detail such as what areas those planets rule in your chart which would provide more information on how it would benefit you as I would be here forever.😊 If your ascendent is at 19 degrees or later, read the next sign.
Although having Saturn in your 12th house might not have been easy, this time it might help you come up with a solution and create some structures around your resources or you could come up with a new source of income. It’s definitely a good time to explore a few ideas.
As this is happening in your sign, whatever you start now has the potential to positively impact any area of your life. There could be support coming from your friends or the groups you belong to. Make the most of those last few days when Jupiter is still in your sign.
Most of the action of this new moon is happening right behind you so all the buzz may not manifest itself in any physical or visible form but you may have a positive feeling of wrapping something up before starting a new chapter. It could be something to do with your career or public image.
This is a good time to start working on something you’ve always wanted to do as it may finally bring some tangible results. It’s also a good time to start thinking of pursuing a new course of study (or joining a new place of worship if applicable) as joining one would enable you to be part of a community of like-minded people and would help you attain a long-term objective.
This is a potential for a new beginning in the area of your career and public image. If you’re looking for investment for your idea, the next two weeks are a good time to pursue it.
This is a good time to re-evaluate your life philosophy and beliefs or think of pursuing further or higher education. Whatever you decide, the people you have close relationships with should be supportive of your ideas.
If there’s been issues around debt, taxes or shared resources, you might come up with an idea how to resolve them. If that idea is centred around creating new habits, you shouldn’t have any problems implementing it. There could be some money coming in, a bonus, investment, a present from a relative or a lottery win that would ease off the pressures of your day-to-day life.
This is an opportunity for a new beginning in the area of one-on-one relationships. A romance could become something serious or a you could find a partner to develop a creative idea.
It is a great time to start a new routine, a diet or a health regimen. Your family should be supportive of your endeavour.
If you’re single and looking for a new romance, look in your local community as there is potential there around the time of this new moon. If you’re working on a new project, think how to communicate it to your prospective audience or potential collaborators. With Saturn in your 3rd house sextiling this new moon you have enough gravitas to entice some serious players at this time.
There could be new developments in your home and living situation and there should be enough money to finance them. This could also indicate a potential new source of income for doing something you could do from home.
There is potential to improve your standing in your local community or you may become an important pillar of it at this time if that’s what you want. It’s also a good time to choose a new car or a gadget and buy it after 13th May. There could be a new development in the life of your siblings and you could play an important part in that.