The full moon in Capricorn on 21st July is happening at 29º08’ of Capricorn at 11.16am UK time. It’s quite a busy one with a lot of tight aspects in the sky. The Moon will very tightly sextile Neptune (last month it was squaring it so it’s a nicer energy). It will also conjunct Pluto in Aquarius together with which it will trine Mars in Gemini. At the same time, we will also be having Jupiter in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo (lovely!) and Uranus in Taurus square Mercury in Leo (not so lovely!). On top of that, the full moon is happening in the proximity of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that happened on 24th December 2020 and those two planets are now heading for the first square in their synodic cycle so whatever happened in your life at around that time may have to be revisited, tested, revised or rectified.
The full moon is happening at the last degree of the sign, the, so called, aneretic degree, which is associated with karma, completion, crisis or ending. Full moons in themselves are the times of culminations and completions so the theme of something ending is amplified. If you didn't manage to complete something in the area of your life where Capricorn falls in your chart last month when we had a full moon in Capricorn at the beginning of the sign, now you’re getting a second chance or you might feel more ready to do it. If the idea of ending a relationship, ditching a habit, resigning from a job or distancing yourself from someone scares you, don’t be afraid. The proximity of Pluto during this full moon suggests that this is not an ending per se but a stage in a process that will ultimately lead to something new although at the moment it may not seem like that. The helpful trine Pluto is making with Mars at the time of this full moon might speed up the process or propel you into action. The only thing I would add is that the square Uranus is forging with Mercury may lead to us saying something without thinking which will definitely expedite the process of cutting someone or something off but if you don’t want to burn any bridges permanently, it’s best to think twice before you say something at this time. This is a temporary influence so just hold off for a few days.
Last month the full moon’s aspect to Neptune brought distortion or confusion. This month the full moon forges a helpful aspect so the Neptunian influence may bring some relief at this time. If things get difficult, Neptune invites us to relax, surrender or escape (in a healthy way). Enjoying some Neptunian activities at around this full moon may bring you comfort and an unexpected solution to a problem you've been dealing with. Neptunian activities are complementary therapies and alternative medicine, all sorts of healing practices, astrology, meditation or any form of art or healthy escapism. The Jupiter-Venus aspect is also favourable so there is something or someone to fall back on if things get unpleasant.
The people most affected by the full moon will be those with planets or angles at the end of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra and at the beginning of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. This full moon might be significant to those born on 19th-20th January, 19th-20th April, 22nd-23rd July and 23rd-24th October.
Here’s the breakdown for all 12 signs. As always, read your ascendent sign as that will be the most accurate and the closest to what you have in your natal chart. Since this full moon falls at the end of the sign, you can all read your ascendent sign as for 99.99% of you it will fall in the house the forecasts are referring to.
If you want to know how this full moon affects you on a more personal level and receive a forecast for the next 12 months tailored specifically to you, book a consultation.
Your career and public image are yet again highlighted at this full moon. There could be some fruitful communication happening that might lead to positive developments. If you feel that you’re losing the plot, it might be beneficial to take time out and have some fun or do something relaxing like meditation, a walk in the park, reiki or any other complementary or mainstream therapies.
This is yet another chance to complete something in the area of travel, higher education or your belief system. It is a good time to boost your self-worth or income and your friends or groups you belong to could be of help. If something goes wrong, having a chat with your family could bring some comfort. Dare to dream, Taurus – for you, it’s a good time for it.
This lunation brings a chance to complete something in the area of shared resources, debt or issues that you're deeply invested in and your career or public image could help you do it. It might be an opportunity to start paying off some debts or sorting out any outstanding financial issues. You might feel a lot of energy and have an increased sense of confidence for the next two months so it’s a good time to go for whatever you want to achieve.
For you this full moon is another chance to wrap something up in the area of your one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional. If yours or other people's values were incongruent with whatever you wanted to achieve last month, this month things should be clearer and, psychologically, you might feel an impulse to act coming seemingly out of nowhere. It's a good time to have conversations around your earned income or self-worth.
If you didn’t manage to complete something in the area of your day-to-day routine, work or health in June, this month presents a better opportunity. If shared resources or finances were preventing you from acting last month, the circumstances should be more supportive this time. With Venus and Mercury in your sign and the Sun moving there on 22nd June, you should have enough confidence and allure to tackle challenging tasks and conversations but if you're in doubt, your friends or a group you belong to might offer useful advice.
This lunation brings, yet again, a chance to complete something in the area of romance, creativity or children but this time the people who you are in a committed relationship with, personal or professional, could be a source of inspiration. Help can come from unexpected sources this month so it’s a good time to take some action in the area of your career or public image.
For you, this full moon is a chance to wrap something up in the area of your family, living situation or emotional well-being but unlike last month, your daily routine and/or health should be conducive to anything you want to accomplish. It could be a good time to take a chance on something, especially if it's something you wanted to do for a long time.
Just like last month, this full moon is a good time to complete something in the area of your local community, communication, education and short-distance travel but, unlike last month, this time your kids, romantic partners or passion projects shouldn’t be an unnecessary distraction. There is a lot going on in the area of your shared resources and deep intimacy which could positively impact your emotional well-being. You might also feel more visible in your career for the next 2-4 weeks so make the most of it.
For you, this is another chance to close a chapter in the area of your earned income and self-worth but this time your family might be a source of inspiration rather than confusion. It’s a good time to spend time with people you have committed relationships with (personal and professional) as one of them might give you a lucky break.
This is the second full moon in your sign but if there was any miscommunication last month, this month things should be clearer. As it’s your full moon, anything goes so you can wrap things up in any area of your life. If you want to change something in your daily routine, ditch a bad habit or focus on your health, there is a lot that can be done over the next two months. It's also a good time to sort out any tax or financial issues.
Last month you may have wanted to complete something in the area of your self-undoing, self-sabotage and unresolved mental health issues (even if you were unaware of it) but something happened in the meantime and your self-worth took a hit. This month is different as the recent events should have given you a boost and Pluto in your sign reminds you that whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. There will be a chance to close that chapter fully in September-November but to really make it work, start now. It’s a great time to go out, socialise, meet new people, date or just be you which should help. But be careful not to overspend. For single Aquas out there, it's a great time to meet someone new.
If last month you didn’t manage to achieve an objective or complete something in the area of friends or groups you belong to, this month you have another go. Use your Piscean creativity and intuition as this month they should be more effective. Your family life should be busy for the next two months and it’s a good time to do some home improvements. The next 2-4 weeks are a good time to sort out any outstanding chores or do something nice for your physical health.