The full moon in Capricorn on 22nd June is the first of the two full moons we have in this sign this year, which is unusual. The major aspect in this lunation is the square between Neptune and the Moon and the Sun. A square is a tense aspect between incompatible elements like water and air for example, however, it’s an out-of-sign aspect, meaning that even though the angle is tense, the square is happening in compatible elements (in earth and water in this case). That can happen when one aspected planet is at the beginning (Moon at 1º07’ in Capricorn) and the other at the end of a sign (Neptune at 29º55’ in Pisces). The elements are working in harmony but, according to modern astrology, it’s a square aspect nonetheless.
Neptune in tense aspects is associated with escapism, confusion or blurred boundaries. Watch out for scams or overpromises. Venus is still travelling together with the Sun across the ecliptic. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Mars is tightly sextiling Mercury which is a great aspect for searching for and taking in information. If you do your due diligence, you should be fine.
Full moons are times of completion. On a collective level, a full moon in Capricorn invites us to look realistically at the practical aspects of our life, in particular our worldly goals and ambitions, our public reputation, status and achievements. What have you achieved since the new moon in Capricorn in January?
It’s happening at the very beginning of Capricorn and planets at the beginning of a sign signify a new start, a fresh outlook or the first breath. This full moon invites us to think what we can complete in the area of your chart where it's happening but not for the sake of completion per se. It encourages us to think which chapter we can close in order to make room for a new one.
Since this full moon is happening at the very beginning of a sign, unless your ascendent is at 1º06’ or earlier you should read the next sign. That means that most of you should read the next sign.
This is a chance to complete something in the area of your career and public image but there is a risk of self-sabotaging it so do your research and base your decisions on evidence. Also, watch out during this lunation as you may encounter someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart.
For you, this is a chance to complete something in the area of travel, higher education or your belief system. There may be some confusion coming from your friends or a group you belong to. Do your research before you follow anyone’s advice.
This lunation brings a chance to complete something in the area of shared resources, debt or tax. However, you should gain more clarity about where you stand in your career or current job before you make any financial decisions, especially those involving loans or mortgages.
This lunation could bring a completion in the area of your one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional. However, make sure that others share your beliefs and/or philosophy before you commit to whatever endeavour you might be embarking on together.
For you, this is a chance to wrap something up in the area of health and day-to-day activities. There can be some lack of clarity about loans or the resources you share with your partner or others so check your bank accounts if you’re planning any major changes in your job or daily routine.
This lunation brings a chance to complete something in the area of romance, creativity or children but there could be some unanswered questions relating to your one-on-one relationships. If you want to commit to someone you’re developing feelings for, it might be good to wait two to four weeks and see how things pan out. There may be something that needs to be clarified. The same applies to any creative or passion projects you are working on with someone else.
For you, this full moon could mean completion in the area of your family, living situation or emotional well-being. There can be some confusion about who does what at work which could be mildly annoying or your daily routine could be temporarily disturbed. Remember that it’s only temporary and, with your superior mediation skills, it’s nothing that can’t be sorted out.
This lunation heralds an opportunity to wrap something up in the area of local community, communication, education and short-distance travel or in the life of your siblings. There could be some distraction coming from your kids, romantic partners or passion projects. If you have an important meeting or exam lined up, make sure your kids don’t get in the way and avoid a night of passion in the days coming up to it (talking from experience here and I don’t mean the bit about the kids ;-) ).
For you, this is a chance to close a chapter in the area of your earned income and self-worth but your family might make you question things. Alternatively, it could be you yourself questioning whether you should be closing that chapter. As always, check your facts. The answers shouldn’t be difficult to find if you look for them.
This is your full moon, the first of the two, so there is plenty of opportunity to wrap things up in any area of your life. Watch out for any miscommunication, disruption to travel plans and double-check any contracts you sign.
This full moon offers an opportunity for completion in the area of your self-undoing, self-sabotage and unresolved mental health issues. Your income could be volatile and your self-worth could dwindle at this time. If you're struggling, don’t worry. You will have another full moon in this area next month which gives you more time to tie up loose ends before the new moon in your sign in August.
This lunation is a chance for you to achieve an objective or complete something in the area of friends or groups you belong to. There can be confusion coming from… within. It’s not like you’re not used to it but this time it may affect your long-term plans or friendships. I said to other signs that they should do their research and check their facts but you, Pisces, as always, should follow your instinct and do what feels right.
If you want to know how this full moon affects you on a more personal level and receive a forecast tailored specifically to you, book a consultation.