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new moon solar eclipse in Aries on 8th April

The new moon solar eclipse in Aries on 8th April is happening at 7.20pm UK time. The Moon and the Sun will be in perfect alignment. A solar eclipse is a potent new moon. This particular one happens in the exact conjunction with Chiron, an asteroid located between Saturn and Uranus, TO THE MINUTE. All three will align at 19º24’ of Aries.

Who is Chiron?

Chiron is the so called Wounded Healer, a term coined by Carl Jung (an interest in astrology among therapists is pretty common), who, famously, could heal everyone but not himself.

In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur fostered by Apollo who taught him the healing arts, music and poetry. It is sometimes said that he invented medicine, pharmacy and surgery. One of Chiron's students was Asclepius, the god of medicine.

During Heracles’s fourth labour, he visited the cave of the centaur Pholus where he opened a bottle of wine. The scent attracted the centaurs and made them go bonkers. While Heracles was defending the cave, Chiron found himself in the firing line and was struck by an arrow poisoned with Hydra’s blood.

The pain was unbearable but Chiron was immortal so he had to live with it. Despite the pain, he kept healing others. Eventually, he made a deal with Zeus that he would exchange his mortality for the freedom of Prometheus (who had been bound to a rock for all eternity for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humankind).

That’s why he came to be known as the Wounded Healer. He could heal others but was unable to heal himself. Jung believed that a therapist who carries their own wound can give more effective treatment. Therefore, a wound can be both a burden and a driving force.

In a natal chart, the place where we have Chiron indicates both the nature of a person’s wounding and where we can draw healing – where we can transform our pain into a source of power.

Collectively, this solar eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron exposes the wound of identity, however, how that will affect you personally depends on your natal chart. Those who will be affected the most by this eclipse are people who have personal planets or angles in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) at around 19 degrees.

This eclipse encourages you not only to start afresh in the area of your chart where it’s happening, as every new moon does, but also to find healing in that area. The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Pisces indicates that with time and effort profound healing is possible.

During this eclipse, I invite you to reflect on your own wounds and how you can use them as a springboard rather than a hurdle. I would also like to invite you to reflect on how you can benefit from the healing potential of this eclipse for the next six months in the area in your chart where the eclipse is happening.

As always, for the most accurate forecast refer to your ascendent sign. Click here to find out how astrology works and what it can do for you.


As this eclipse is happening in your first house, it gives you the potential to heal every aspect of your life so it’s up to you what you want to focus on. Spending some time alone and deciding on a plan of action could bring good results.


Think how you could improve your mental health. Doing something with the friends you haven’t seen in a while or working on one of your dreams could be a good start.


Think what you can do now to heal your friendships or reignite an old dream. There may have been some struggle around your career and public image. Take some action and keep going. Perhaps that old dream is the answer?


Think what steps you can take now to heal your career or public image. Start with finding out what’s meaningful to you and don’t lose heart if you don’t come up with anything immediately. You have six months for that.


If you’ve been struggling with a legal matter, especially around shared resources (e.g. divorce settlement), now is a good time to make headway if you commit to it. If that’s not applicable, think how you can find healing around your belief system. If debt or strained intimate relationships are holding you back, although now it seems difficult, there is an opportunity for improvement if you work on them over the next six months.


Think how you can heal your intimate relationships or settle your debt. Although some of your one-on-one relationships may have been difficult over the last 12 months, now is the time to do something about them (whatever that means to you) and keep going.


Think how you can heal strained one-on-one relationships. Your daily routine or health may have suffered as a result so perhaps this is a good place to start. If you do something about it now, things will improve over time.


Think how you can heal your body or change your daily routine. It’s a good time to start a diet or exercise regime but make sure it’s fun too.


Think how you can find healing in your creative expression. Have some fun! If you’ve had issues with your children, it’s also a good time to resolve them. Although there may be some friction in your family life, there is potential for improvement if you do something about it.


Think how you can find healing in your home and family life. Don’t be discouraged if there are any issues with your siblings or local community. Persevere because it will pass and they may be a source of help further down the line.


Think how you can heal your relationship with your siblings or any wounds around communication. It is also a good time to start working on your self-esteem. If you start now, the results may not be immediate but you will see them gradually appear over the next six months.


Think how you can heal your self-esteem. Although it might seem hard at the moment, if you take action and stick to it, it will have a ripple effect on your entire life.


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