The full moon in Aries on 17th October is happening at 12.26pm UK time at 24º35’. It will be conjunct Chiron and square Pluto and Mars. At the time of the full moon, we will also have a tight sextile between Pluto and Venus. Jupiter will sextile Chiron and Venus will trine Neptune.
Full moons are a time of culmination, release and heightened awareness. A full moon in Aries highlights the need for independent action and initiative so, on the collective level, we may feel bolder to act in order to achieve our personal goals. Aries doesn’t hold back so there is potential for conflict or confrontation. As full moons happen on an axis, they encourage us to find balance between the two extremities. In this case, it’s about achieving a balance between our personal needs and the needs of other people.
This full moon is conjunct Chiron. If you remember, we had a new moon 6 months ago that was also conjunct Chiron. Generally, in such cases, we can expect some sort of healing or the resolution of a matter that has kept us awake at night. However, at the time of this full moon we have a configuration called a Grand Cross which may propel us to act on an impulse if the matters haven’t been resolved the way we expected.
What is a Grand Cross? Back in August, I wrote a detailed description of what a T-square is but, in a nutshell, it is a tense and dynamic configuration that involves at least three planets forming aspects of two squares and an opposition in three signs, mostly of the same modality so either cardinal, fixed or mutable. Visually, it looks like a triangle. This time we have a Grand Cross which in a chart looks like a square and it involves at least four planets. Together they form four squares and two oppositions. If you thought that having a T-square in the natal chart was challenging enough, wait until you meet someone who has a Grand Cross. As a consolation, Grand Crosses are rare (only 5% of charts have this configuration) so if you don’t know your chart, I can reassure you that you are unlikely to have it. If you do, you already know it because they tend to be very loud in the native’s life. Although a T-square is problematic, it provides a degree of focus. A person with a Grand Cross in their chart is pulled in all four directions. When opportunities present themselves on their path, they have to work hard to make the most of them.
A Cardinal Grand Cross gives the individual drive and ambition. They tend to do their own thing and be impatient. Those who have personal planets or angles at around 24º of cardinal signs may experience frustration if things don’t do their way at the time of this full moon and it might push them to take impulsive action or confront someone.
Apart from the Sun and Moon, the other participants of this Grand Cross are Mars and Pluto. When those two come together, astrologers encourage caution. With Mars being the hot, action-oriented energy and Pluto symbolising power, death, transformation and rebirth, their encounters tend to lead to extreme expressions of anger, extraordinary acts of courage and an unflinching will to survive. Last year, the events of 7th October happened during a Mars-Pluto contact. The Sun and Moon form a square aspect to this Mars-Pluto opposition. In mundane astrology, the Moon is the people and the Sun symbolises leaders. It wouldn’t be surprising if, in some parts of the world, the people turned against their leaders or vice versa, the leaders turned against the people using violence or oppression. In the next two weeks, we could see an escalation of ongoing issues and an emergence of new conflicts.
Although we can’t control world events, we can do something on a personal level in order to alleviate possible discomfort we might feel at the time of this lunation. The way to do it is to focus on the flowing aspects to the planets forming the Grand Cross and we have two exact sextiles happening at the time of this full moon. Jupiter will be sextiling Chiron offering an opportunity for healing through expanding one’s horizons, higher education, resolving legal issues or reevaluating one’s approach to life. You might help someone heal at this time by being generous towards them. Venus and Pluto are in a sextile at 29º of Scorpio and Capricorn respectively. It's the so called anaretic degree - the degree of urgency. The planets have the last chance to do something in this sign before they move on to the next so they are keen to act. Venus’s sextile to Pluto suggests that focusing on revenue-generating activities, beauty, art and doing something that will increase our self-esteem can be a great source of empowerment. It’s also a time when it might be beneficial to tap into your feminine side and you don’t have to be a woman to do it. All you need is use your intuition and be more receptive, empathetic and nurturing than usual.
The people most affected by this full moon are those with personal planets and angles at around 24º of cardinal signs so Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn or those born on 13th-16th January, 12th-14th April, 15th-18th July and 15th-18th October. How that will affect you, however, depends on your personal placements in your natal chart so it won't be reflected in a general forecast. As usual, you should read your Ascendent sign and not your Sun sign. If you don't know what that is, drop me an email with your date, place and time of birth and I will send you a copy of your chart.
This is your full moon so it’s an opportunity to complete something in any area of your life. The Grand Cross may bring challenges related to your relationships, family dynamics, career and personal identity. You may feel torn between asserting your independence and maintaining harmony with others, especially in close partnerships. Use this time for personal breakthroughs but tread carefully when dealing with others. Focusing on the resources you share with others and sorting out your debts, taxes or investments may be a source of relief at this time.
For you, this full moon highlights subconscious patterns and inner emotional battles. You may find yourself needing to assert boundaries with others by spelling it out to them as they might be, intentionally or not, getting in the way of your long-term plans. Focusing on one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional, may be a source of relief at this time.
This full moon energises your social life and aspirations but the Grand Cross will challenge your ability to balance friendships, personal finances and emotional needs. You may have to address financial insecurities and joint resources, debt or tax. Focusing on mundane day-to-day tasks, nutrition, health and fitness may be a source of relief at this time.
This full moon is an opportunity to complete something in your career and public life and it’s asking you to balance your ambitions with personal responsibilities. With Mars in your sign, you have a lot of energy and feel empowered to take action but it may lead to conflict in your one-on-one relationships (personal and professional). Focusing on your passion projects, hobbies, children and even a bit of romance may be a source of relief at this time.
This full moon highlights your beliefs, travel, educational pursuits and legal matters. However, your health, daily responsibilities and local community may get in the way. There is potential for self-sabotage and a tense exchange with another person. Focusing on your family life or emotional needs may be a source of relief at this time.
This full moon emphasises your shared resources, debts and intimate relationships, and it triggers the financial parts of your chart so there is an opportunity to wrap something up in those areas. That might, however, temporarily affect your long-term plans and passion projects or you might realise that there isn’t enough money to do all the things you enjoy. Deep conversations with others may alleviate any discomfort caused by those issues and be a source of inspiration.
This full moon highlights your relationships but the Grand Cross will force you to reconsider how you balance your personal needs with the needs of others, as well your family matters with your career. Focusing on your finances or doing something that increases your self-esteem can be very beneficial at this time.
For you, this full moon is an opportunity to wrap something up in the area of your health, fitness or day-to-day work but you might find that the result doesn’t align with your beliefs. You might be forced by your employer to go back to the office or you might be asked to work in a different location, which means that your commute is now longer or less comfortable. Alternatively, legal issues could get in the way of your day-to-day life. If you are in education, the disruption could be caused by changes imposed by your school or university. The best way to alleviate any stress caused by this Grand Cross is to focus on you. Do something you enjoy, indulge in some self-care or beauty treatments
This full moon is an opportunity to complete something in the area of creativity, hobbies, fun, children or romance but it might be affected by financial issues. Alternatively, your dwindling self-worth could affect how you approach your long-term goals or your finances could be preventing you from taking the next step in your romantic life. At this time, it’s best not to force anything and just step back. Observe everything from the outside in for now. When you’re ready, you will be able to tackle everything with a fresh outlook.
During this full moon, the focus is on your home and family matters but you might also have to deal with challenges in your career and it could be a volatile time in your relationships. Emotions could run high causing arguments and altercations. Spending time with your friends or focusing on your long-term objectives should bring some comfort.
The full moon highlights your area of communication, local community, education, siblings and sales but any possible completion in those areas could be disrupted by your daily routine or health issues. Your workload could suddenly increase and it could get stressful. There is also a possibility of self-sabotage or issues getting in the way which seemingly appear out of nowhere. The best way to deal with any emotional discomfort at this time is to focus on your career and reputation.
This full moon shines a light on your finances and self-worth. The Grand Cross may create tension between your financial stability, creative projects and friendships. Perhaps you’ve realised that you’ve been spending too much money on fun activities in the summer and if you want to achieve your objectives, you have to tighten your belt. Defining your belief system, expanding your horizons or attending to legal matters may be a source of relief at this time.