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lunar eclipse in Pisces on 18th September

The full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on 18th September is happening at 3.44am UK time at 25º46’. The Moon will be conjunct Neptune which is also the dispositor of this lunar eclipse. The tightest aspect at the time will be Saturn conjunct Mercury. We also have a Grand Earth Trine between Uranus in Taurus, the Sun in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (for the next few weeks for the last time in our lifetime in that area in your chart). There are a lot of other aspects taking place at this time so it appears as if every planet wanted to "talk" to this lunar eclipse.

A lunar eclipse is an impactful full moon but this one is slightly less special because it’s a partial lunar eclipse. However, it is a super moon (meaning the moon is close to the earth) and it’s an eclipse nonetheless so its impact will last for the next six months (the influence of a typical full moon lasts two weeks until the next new moon). Eclipses happen when there is a lunation within the proximity of the lunar nodes. The nodes form an axis and they move in a retrograde motion. You can read up on them on Wikipedia. They spend 18 months in a pair of signs. At the moment, they are on the Aries and Libra axis, which means for the last 14 months we’ve had eclipses either in Aries or in Libra. This eclipse, however, is an anomaly. Since the nodes are at the beginning of signs and the lunation is happening at the end of the preceding sign, we’re having an eclipse in a new sign. This means this eclipse might be happening in a different sector of your chart than the ones we’ve had recently. We are, therefore, being given a glimpse into what it might be like when the nodes move into Pisces and Virgo in January 2025.

A full moon in Pisces is a good time for completion in the area where you or your organisation have Pisces in their chart. On a collective level, it invites us to wrap things up that pertain to the Piscean realm. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac where all things end and the focus is on higher matters. If you know people with strong Piscean or Neptunian signatures in their natal charts, you’ll know that they live with one foot on “the other side”, whatever that means to them, or focusing on something bigger than them. For those of us with both feet still on this planet a full moon in Pisces is an invitation to forgive, let go of past hurts and to release any grudges we hold against someone. It’s also a good time to show compassion or empathy. If you can’t think of someone, how about showing some compassion towards yourself? The Pisces-Virgo axis, on which this lunar eclipse is happening, focuses on health – in Virgo on physical health, in Pisces on mental health. It’s a good time to engage in all sorts of Piscean practices at this time. Most people still live very Saturnian lives but there is a growing body of work that says that engaging in “healing practices”, whatever that means to you, is good for your mental health. We think that half the time Pisceans don’t know what’s going on but they are actually on to something. So whether it’s walking, mindfulness, having a nice bubble bath, spending time in nature or being creative, go for it. One of the most Piscean things you can do is float on water (literally or metaphorically). Sometimes relinquishing any control for a short while is the best thing we can do for our mental health. As this lunar eclipse in Pisces is happening in conjunction with Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, you have a double excuse to indulge in all sorts of Piscean activities. There are other Neptunian/Piscean antics you could be up to, of course, but for ethical reasons I’m not going to mention them.;-)


One word of caution I’d say is: be careful with that Neptune. Whilst a positive influence in the context of the activities I mentioned above, Neptune can blur our judgement. If there are any decisions you have to make on a Saturnian, more practical plane, give it a few days, be more discerning like a Virgo because things might not be what they seem at first glance.

lunar eclipse in Pisces on 18th September

During this full moon lunar eclipse, we have a Grand Earth Trine in the sky between Uranus in Taurus, the Sun in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. When planets form a 120º angle, the energy flows easily between them. When they are trined by a third planet, they form what we call a Grand Trine (in a chart it looks like a triangle). A Grand Trine is a very lucky configuration to have in a natal chart if you use it to your advantage. Otherwise, it can lead to satisfaction with the status quo, passiveness and complacency. If you have one, don’t waste it. A Grand Trine usually has planets in one element and, in this case, it’s a Grand Earth Trine. In a natal chart people with a Grand Earth Trine tend to be materially lucky or buffered against material poverty. Grand Trines provide a level of stability so if you’re afraid of drifting away whilst experimenting with Piscean activities, don’t worry.


Anyway, you won’t drift away too far because Saturn is watching and he happens to be 10º away from the lunar eclipse so he has a good view. Saturn, the planet of boundaries, rules, responsibility, time and work is opposing Mercury, the planet of communication, mental functioning, early education, trade and short-distance travel. Someone in a position of authority or something might get in the way of your Mercurial activities. You might have wanted to do a short course at work and your boss tells you can no longer do it. You might want to speak at a meeting but they run out of time and don’t let you do your bit. You might be driving somewhere but the police have cordoned off the street and you either have to take a longer route and be late or you can’t go at all. The way it will affect you depends on your natal chart. It’s better to wait a few days before communicating anything important but try to avoid 25th September when Mercury will be opposing Neptune.


It is worth mentioning that if an eclipse touches something in your chart, it won’t necessarily trigger an event around the time of the eclipse. The impact of an eclipse extends over six months until the next eclipse season starts.


The people most affected by this lunar eclipse are those with personal planets or angles at around 25º-26º of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) or those born in the first days of 16th-17th March, 16th-17th June, 18th-19th September and 17th-18th December. Those most affected by the Saturn-Mercury opposition are the people with personal planets or angles at around 14º-16º of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and those born around 5th-7th March, 5th-7th June, 7th-9th September and 6th-8th December. Since there are quite a few other aspects happening during this eclipse, it's likely that something in your chart is being triggered at this time. How that will affect you, however, depends on your personal placements in your natal chart so it won't be reflected in a general forecast.

Here's the breakdown for all 12 signs. As usual, read your ascendent sign because that will be the most accurate. Remember that this is a general forecast and those placements might fall in different areas of your natal chart. Click here to find out how astrology works and what it can do for you.



This full moon lunar eclipse is happening behind you so something on a deep psychological level may culminate within the next six months. It’s an opportunity to release emotional baggage or unresolved issues and recharge your batteries. With Saturn in your 12th house since last year, you may have felt isolated so you of all people should be engaging in “Piscean activities”. You may wish to communicate something at work or to the people you meet every day but someone or your inner critic might be stopping you. It will get easier in a few days.



This lunar eclipse is happening in your area of friendships, groups you belong to or long-term objectives. It’s possible that you might achieve a goal in the next six months or let go of a friendship or group you no longer feel part of. If you want to share your plans and ideas concerning your love life, children or passion projects, you might encounter some opposition from your friends or a group you belong to. It’s best to wait a few days when they are likely to be more open to your ideas.



This lunar eclipse is happening in your sector of career and public image so changes are afoot in the next six months, especially if the eclipse is touching something personal in your chart. It might be a promotion or you might realise that things have run their course and it’s time to change direction. Whatever it is, it’s probably not the best time to communicate it to your family or disclose any family-related plans to a person in authority at the time of this lunation. Wait a few days.



This is an opportunity to complete something in the area of travel, higher education or life philosophy within the next six months. You might complete a course, start one or finalise a legal matter. The next six months could herald something that expands your horizons, whether it’s through travel, education or a new way of looking at life. At the time of this lunation, you might want to study, revise or do something in your local community. If you hit a brick wall, don’t worry. Wait a few days and try again.



For you this lunar eclipse is an opportunity to wrap something up in the area of shared assets, loans, taxes or intimate relationships. Paying off a loan or releasing a financial or emotional burden could be on the cards in the next six months. You may want to share your ideas concerning earning money with someone you care about or, alternatively, you might have an idea for a new venture for which you need a loan but the person who could help you is refusing to do so. Wait a few days until the conditions are better for such conversations.



This lunar eclipse heralds a culmination in the area of your one-on-one relationships (personal or professional). In the next six months, you might want to advance a relationship to a new level or you might decide that it’s time for closure. Although it’s inadvisable to communicate anything important at the time of this lunation, Mercury, your ruler, is in your sign so, even though you might encounter opposition, you should still get the upper hand.



This lunar eclipse is happening in your area of daily tasks, health and work-life balance. In the next six months, you might start a new fitness routine and let go of unhealthy habits or there may be a change in what you do every day. There may be an idea or a flash of insights that comes out of nowhere which you or someone might be inclined to dismiss at the time of this lunation. Park it or write it down and come back to it in a few days.



For you, this lunar eclipse is an opportunity to wrap something up in the area of creativity, children or romance. In the next six months you might want to move things forward with the person you’re dating or realise it’s not going anywhere. Alternatively, your hobby might become something more than a pleasant pastime or there might be a culmination happening in the life of your children. At the time of this lunation, you might have an idea concerning a long-term objective but it might feel like you would have to give up all the fun to achieve it or you might want to do something with a group you belong to but your love interest or children get in the way. There should be less opposition to your ideas in a few days.



This lunar eclipse heralds a time of culmination in the sector of your family, home and living situation. In the next six months, there may be a change, closure or completion in your family on a practical or emotional level or you might move or make significant changes to your home. There may be new developments in your career or you might want to share something with your family regarding this matter. If you don’t get the response you were hoping for, try again in a few days.



For you this is a chance to wrap something up in the area of communication, education or immediate environment in the six months following this lunar eclipse. There might be a change in how you commute to work or you might take up or give up a role in your local community. If you’ve been thinking of doing a short course, do it as it might have a significant impact on your life during this time. The eclipse might also materialise in a change or culmination in the life of your siblings. If your ideas about education, travel or expanding your horizons meet an opposition from your immediate environment, wait a few days.



This lunar eclipse emphasises your area of self-esteem and earned income. In the next six months, you might rethink how you earn money and implement necessary changes. Saturn transiting this area has been forcing you to tighten your belt but, at the same time, it is giving you the motivation to organise your finances. There may be some less than favourable news about money coming in from other sources such as loans and benefits. It might be less than what you expected and it might affect your belief in your ability to earn money. But don’t worry. This influence will dissipate in a few days.



This is your full moon and it also happens to be a lunar eclipse so it’s an opportunity to wrap things up in every area of your life not only until the next lunation, not only in the next six months but until July 2026. This is the first glimpse into what things might be like when the North Node moves into your sign in January 2025 and gives you an opportunity to completely reinvent yourself. This lunar eclipse invites you to kick off the process now rather than wait until January. If people who you have significant relationships say things you don’t agree with at the time of this eclipse or your business contacts share ideas that you’re not in favour of, have another chat with them in the next few days.


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